Contraband The Flash Versiongaming Potatoes

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Earlier this week potato producers and importers met with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture to discuss issues facing the industry. At the end of the meeting, it was agreed that the approval of import licenses for potatoes will be halted in order to allow the potato producers to successfully sell their products on the local market. But they will still have the competition of contraband potatoes. Comptroller of Customs and Excise, Colin Griffith explained how that problem will be dealt with.

Get 75% off NordVPN! Only $2.99/mo, plus you get an additional month FREE at:codeword: oversimplifiedPart 2 - https://w. Adobe Flash, sometimes called Shockwave Flash or Macromedia Flash, is a platform that many websites use to play video. On your end, a browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, or IE, needs a plug-in so you can play those videos. The situation with potatoes or any contraband it is our department that continues to function and as I mentioned in my speech we work closely with all of the other enforcement agencies. In the situation with agricultural produce for customs to have a very, very strong case we actually have to meet those goods being brought in illegally.


“The Customs department continues to have vigorous enforcement initiatives in the north. As a matter of fact just recently in October of last year, historically there was a donation from a local business house of two motor vehicles for the Customs Department based on the results of our enforcement initiatives. The situation with potatoes or any contraband it is our department that continues to function and as I mentioned in my speech we work closely with all of the other enforcement agencies. In the situation with agricultural produce for customs to have a very, very strong case we actually have to meet those goods being brought in illegally. If that doesn’t occur we have to rely on the expertise of BAHA to identify whether those products were grown locally or imported.”

Contraband The Flash Versiongaming Potatoes In Cream

There are currently three point seven million pounds of potato on the market.


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War with Mexico

Contraband The Flash Versiongaming Potatoes

As soon as he heard about the siege of Bexar, Santa Anna began to organize his troops to march on Texas. Some of his subordinates urged the general to wait until spring and land a naval invasion of Texas, but Santa Anna refused, insisting on taking the hard winter march overland instead. As a result, his army suffered greatly from cold weather, hunger and thirst, and exhaustion by the time they reached Bexar and took heavy casualties at the Battle of the Alamo in February-March 1836.

Contraband The Flash Versiongaming Potatoes

The Independence, flagship of the Texas fleet

Prints and Photographs Collection,
Texas State Library and Archives Commission. #1972/110.

At the same time Santa Anna's army went on the march, a parallel invasion was launched by General José de Urrea from Matamoros. Unlike Santa Anna, Urrea's army was shadowed by supply ships that would provision the troops at the nearest points along the coast. Urrea's army quickly routed the Texas fighters at San Patricio and Goliad.

Broadside calling for all men to arms and all armed vessels to 'scour the Gulf,'
March 2, 1836

But even as Texans were faltering on land, the tiny Texas Navy was taking the fight to the enemy. The Liberty was the former McKinney and Williams privateer known as the William Robbins. In March 1836, the Liberty battled and captured the Mexican trading schooner Pelícano, gaining 300 kegs of gunpowder concealed in barrels of flour, apples, and potatoes. A few weeks later the Liberty captured more war supplies when it made a prize of the American brig Durango.

Act for the defense of the Texas sea coast, March 1836

Mexican attack on the crossings of the lower Brazos River, April 1836

Next it was the turn of the Invincible, also a Thomas McKinney vessel. In April 1836, the Invincible battled the Mexican warship Bravo and captured the cargo ship Pocket, which it seized and took to Galveston as a prize. Under the influence of the ship's insurance companies, the United States Navy seized the Invincible and took it to New Orleans on a charge of piracy, but the ship and its crew were released when it was demonstrated that the Pocket was carrying war contraband bound for Mexico.

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The privateer Flash played perhaps the most exciting role in the climax of the Revolution. Two six-pound cannon, forged in Cincinnati by citizens who wanted to aid the Texan cause, had been delivered to Galveston in March 1836. The desperately needed armaments were loaded on board the Flash, which was ordered to proceed to the Brazos to pick up refugees from the Runaway Scrape who were fleeing Santa Anna's advancing army. The Flash did as ordered, then proceeded to Morgan's Point, where on April 11 it delivered the cannons and picked up more refugees, including three Texas cabinet officers, the family of President Burnet, and Vice-President Lorenzo de Zavala and his family. The rescue was successful, and the armaments the Flash delivered became legendary. The next week, in the Battle of San Jacinto, the 'Twin Sisters' shattered the Mexican lines and significantly aided in the Texan victory.