Dominican Republic 2011mac Humanitarian Project

The Dominican Republic is the most visited island in the Caribbean with almost 5 million visitors annually. Financial ruin and possibly revolution will be the outcome if that were to change. The Dominican Republic is the perfect destination for you if you want to volunteer abroad in marine life and in environmental protection. With a coastline of about 1,600 kilometers and offshore islands, marine animals have the ideal environment in the Dominican Republic.




Key Global Updates

  • With generous support from AstraZeneca, Project HOPE is implementing three critical programs in Latin America & the Caribbean (LAC): 1) Project ECHO sessions on COVID-19 for Spanish and Portuguese-speaking health providers; 2) Training youth leaders in COVID-19 messaging in Mexico; and 3) Training COVID-19 community health workers in Ecuador to reach underserved and indigenous populations.

  • Project HOPE recently delivered COVID-19 Mental Health and Resiliency training for health care workers in the Dominican Republic and Indonesia.

  • Since June, Project HOPE has reached more than 2,400 participants from 18 countries across LAC with weekly COVID-19 ECHO sessions in Spanish.

  • Project HOPE has procured and delivered more than 680,00 pieces of personal protective equipment (PPE) to Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Colombia.

  • In Ecuador, Master Trainers in Project HOPE’s COVID-19 Preparedness and Response curriculum from Catholic University of Cuenca trained 900 health and academic professionals in all eight modules.

  • In coordination with Montgomery County Government in Maryland, Project HOPE has administered more than 2,140 COVID-19 tests through pop-up testing sites.

  • In partnership with the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa CDC) and ECHO, Project HOPE is training Master Trainers in its COVID-19 Preparedness and Response curriculum. To date, trainers have been trained from Malawi, Botswana, Mozambique, Eswatini, Lesotho, Zambia, Algeria, Mauritania, Sudan, Western Sahara and Egypt.

  • In Indonesia, with support from the UBS Foundation, Project HOPE has trained 976 health care workers in COVID-19 and Infection Prevention and Control modules, reached 28,223 mobile viewers with IPC and COVID-19 treatment for women, infants and children information, and distributed 29,340 pieces of PPE to 16 hospitals.

Dominican Republic 2011mac Humanitarian Project

Situation Update


Dominican Republic 2011 Mac Humanitarian Project Manager

According to the World Health Organization, the week of October 19 – October 25 represented the highest record number of new COVID-19 cases reported globally, amounting to more than 2 million. There are currently more than 44,229,000 cases of COVID-19 globally. The United States has the highest daily incidence, followed by India, Brazil, Russia and France. Of the global total, more than 45% of these cases are in the Americas (as regionally defined by the World Health Organization). The Americas currently represents more cases than all of Europe and Southeast Asia combined with countries like Colombia, Mexico and Ecuador reporting significant increases in the last seven days (26.43%, 19.24%, and 52.71% respectively). Brazil continues to have the highest number of confirmed cases in the Americas, besides the United States, and saw an 8.02% increase in the last week.