Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas

Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas


Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas Examples

Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas

Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas 5th

Although many excellent materials now exist that detail the full range of potential uses of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education, already overworked policy makers and others often lack the time it takes to surf the Internet, or access libraries and other sources of information on their own in search of ideas and material support (usually in a second language). In the Asia-Pacific region, leaders, educational managers and teachers have the added challenge of trying to enrich education with technologies that are often a recent introduction to the country, or in many cases, are not yet present. This is one of the main reasons why the Regional Clearing House on ICTs in Education for Asia and the Pacific Project at UNESCO Bangkok was set up. The Clearing House collects, analyses, filters, repackages and disseminates information on ICTs in education in Asia and the Pacific in a variety of formats, be it Web-based portal, CD-ROMs or publications. As part of this process, this publication is the first in a new Catalogue Series on topical issues dealing with various aspects of ICT use in education. Presented is a catalogue of key publications produced by UNESCO Bangkok's ICT in Education Programme to highlight useful resources in the field of ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) in Education. The catalogue contains a range of resources in the form of books, CD-ROMs, online publications, websites and articles from e-journals that aim to provide teachers, school managers, curriculum developers and administrators with guidelines and strategies for integrating ICTs into the teaching and learning process. Divided into six sections with different focus areas, readers can gather resources through detailed abstracts and excerpts from corresponding publications. [This catalogue was published by the UNESCO Asia and Pacific Regional Bureau for Education, UNESCO, Bangkok. It was funded by Japanese Funds-in-Trust.]

Integrating Ict Into Geographyeffective Curriculum Ideas Using

Although many excellent materials now exist that detail the full range of potential uses of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education, already overworked policy makers and others often lack the time it takes to surf the Internet, or access libraries and other sources of information on their own in search of ideas and material support (usually in a second language). Integrating ICT into Teacher Education Curriculum - Case Studies in Asia Each of the seven collated case studies involved a teacher-education course in Educational Technology, more specifically, an ICT-related course for pre-service teachers as well as for the retraining of teachers.