The Perfect Home Page Design

  1. The Perfect Home Page Designs
  2. The Perfect Home Page Design Ideas
  3. The Perfect Home Page Design Software

Today's generation of Internet users are lucky. With a previously unseen level of emphasis on web design, coupled with better knowledge of how websites should work, neither you, me or anyone will ever have to experience hilarious, badly-designed websites such as these.

  • The homepage design gives off an easy going vibe thus making a visitor feel confident about the product that is known for handling financial information. It is also known for using a simple.
  • Recommended design patterns and best practices for retail Home Pages. This is the first in a series of posts from me in which I hope to give you ideas to consider for testing improvements to page elements on Ecommerce sites following emerging best practices.
  • A homepage is an incredibly important piece to a successful website. This is because the homepage is the viewers first impression of your site. If you don’t have an enticing well strategized homepage, you are at risk of immediately losing your sites visitors.

{CERN Venus project website}

One glance at the homepages of these now-defunct websites and you know they're ancient, outdated and abandoned. You instantly know there's something wrong with the UI, the layout, colors and the text. You can just imagine how awkward and confusing it must have been to navigate these pages. It's as if design was still a foreign concept back then!

Traditional design solutions for Tables of Contents play it safe. They get the job done. They don’t look too shabby, are functional, and easy to use. But they also turn one of the first pages readers see into an eye-bore. We’ve written before about crafting the perfect blog post but your home page is arguably the most vital page of all. Your homepage is essentially your digital business card. A properly designed page, therefore, can mark the difference between a mediocre page and a page that can potentially acquire new customers and form new relationships down.

So if homepages are the front door of a company, meant to make a good first impression on customers, today's Internet users won't be impressed your website looks like it got stuck in a time machine.

The Old Homepage

A lot has definitely changed in web design over the years, especially on how we treat the homepage. Rand Fishkin of made an excellent thesis on the main differences of homepage design then and now.

{What should I put on a website}

The old way of homepage design was too SEO-centric. Because the homepage ranked better than all the other pages of a website, that's where developers crammed the keywords in, and for a while that kind of tactic worked, at least for the search engines. The overall result however was a rather text-crowded homepage that overwhelmed visitors.

The New Homepage Design

Nowadays, as both people and search engines get better at understanding what users are looking for, the trend in homepage design has moved away from the worries and details of SEO, and instead focuses on the user. A contributing factor to this user-friendly attitude is the rise of touchscreen devices—whether that be smartphones, tablets, or hybrids.

More people are online now than ever before and they're using the Internet in unprecedented ways. You have to reach out to these people (especially your target customers) through a great homepage that's created for them and their needs, and not for the search engines. Only by making your homepage simple, clear, and easy to access can you make a good first impression.

So What Makes a Homepage Perfect?

In the ever-changing landscape of the Internet, there are no hard rules for designing the perfect homepage. What used to work and look brilliant in the past may be ineffective and unsightly today.

Again, the rise of touchscreen devices has helped shaped the various web trends we're seeing today. These trends—flat design, mixed typography, minimal text, large hero image, card/tile-based layout, HTML 5, etc—in turn contribute to a fantastic user experience.

So essentially, a great homepage should strive for a great UX. Give your homepage a signature style that's memorable to users, but never lose sight of functionality because ultimately that's what users are after. Follow these tips to make it happen:

Design with mobile in mind

  • In this age of smartphones and tablets, responsive design is simply a must.
  • Design your homepage by considering the screen real estate of various devices, small or big, and making sure the user experience is always great.
  • Easy navigation.

{Orix Homepage}


Keep Your Focus

  • Make sure the homepage gives your visitors a clear idea of what your website is all about.
  • Convince your visitors that they need your product or service, and differentiate yourself from your competitors.
  • At the end of the day, what's your website's call to action? Whether it's Buy, Install, Download, Subscribe, make sure visitors can easily access that crucial button.

{Velvet Group homepage}

The Perfect Home Page Designs


Trim the Fat

  • Don't drown your visitors in wordy paragraphs.
  • If you can tell you website's purpose in a few lines, go for it.
  • If you can condense your point into a memorable slogan, even better.
  • And no need to cram keywords.

{ARMA homepage}

Say it with Visuals

  • Welcome your visitors with a large hero image with a rotating set of well-taken photos.
  • Embed a short video—what your website is all about, how it all started, how to use your service, etc.
  • Use slider banners too.
  • As Fishkin says, “Keep that experience compelling to draw the eye down.” (Bold letters, ours.)

The Perfect Home Page Design Ideas

{Mainslib Homepage}

Test, Test, Test

  • Finally, get valuable feedback from people from all walks of life, especially the average Internet user.
  • Test some more, and redesign until you get it right.

The Perfect Home Page Design Software

There you have it! Our top tips for creating the perfect homepage! How you choose to apply them will depend on your own website's requirements and purpose, so keep them in mind and try them out! Like we said before, there are no rules set in stone when it comes to designing, just guidelines that will ensure your design isn't a complete disaster! If you aren't sure how to make the most of your homepage, give us a shout! We'd be happy to help you design your website.