Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

  1. Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site Website
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  3. Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Sites

We all love a bit of Instagram, don’t we? We love posting, we love scrolling and we love love love bingeing on those stories, don’t we? Well, I do anyway.

But there can be more to Instagram than just having a bit of social-media-style fun. You can also use it to successfully promote your business or your brand.

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Today, Instagram has over 1 billion monthly active users. That is 1 billion people that you have access to for free! Now I am not saying that you will be able to reach all 1 billion users, the chances are you won’t. But promoting your Instagram profile is a great way to generate engagement with your business which will result in your product being seen by a large amount of your target audience.

It’s easy, isn’t it? Well, it is when your know-how, and that is what I am here to teach you. Follow the guide below to successfully promote your account and get more Instagram followers.

This is important for anyone who wants to get their Instagram profile seen. Unless you are posting interesting or unique content then the likelihood of people sharing your posts or recommending your page to others is going to be slim to none. Try to be unique and make sure you are posting content that reflects your company’s attitude so that you attract your target audience.


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You need to take the time to post great quality photographs. You don’t need a top of the range camera to do this, Instagram is a mobile phone app, so people expect to see photographs taken with a phone. What people don’t want to see are blurry photos, or photos with your finger over the lens, or highly filtered, self-indulgent selfies (even though we all do them).

If you want to promote your Instagram account, you are going to need to hashtag… a lot! Hashtagging is one of the best ways to get your content seen and drive more traffic to your Instagram account.

My suggestion would be to use a mix between popular hashtags and more unique hashtags. Popular or trending hashtags are great because you know multiple people are using them and multiple people are engaging with them. But you have to remember that you are also in competition with everyone else using them, so your content could easily get lost. It’s always worth a shot. To increase your chances, use a tool like Taskant.

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site

Always use hashtags that are relevant to your content otherwise you will attract the wrong people to your account and that isn’t going to interest them, and it isn’t going to help your business in the long run.

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Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site Website

Do your research and find out what hashtags other companies similar to yours are using to promote their account. See which posts have been popular and which haven’t and base yours on the successful ones.

Use instagram to promote your health and fitness site login

You should definitely consider cross-promoting. If you have an account on any other social media platforms, then why not promote your Instagram page there and encourage people to follow it.

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Site Login

If you have a website, you should make sure that you advertise your social media accounts on there as well as at the bottom of every email so that people can follow you on their favourite platform.

Why not ask family and friends to share for you too? Then they can also ask their family and friends to share. This can have a knock-on effect which can lead to a wider reach for your company.


This is something that has become very popular in recent years because it is a quick and easy way to get your product seen by lots of people in a short space of time.

Influencers are usually people who are popular in their field and have thousands, sometimes millions of followers. You can find influencers for anything; fashion, fitness, food, you name it, and you will find an influencer for it!

Use Instagram To Promote Your Health And Fitness Sites

It can sometimes be hard to get their attention as they are often in demand and can be inundated with messages, so you will need to be patient and you will need to offer them something in return for their services. This would usually be money. However, if you are a start-up company and you can’t afford to pay for these kinds of services yet, you can usually strike up some sort of deal where you offer them free merchandise in return for them advertising your product.

So, there you go. Now you have the tools you need to promote your Instagram page. I told you it was easy, didn’t I? What are you waiting for!