Happywheelsflash Game Heaven

The Pilgrims ascend, circa 1910. Scene from 'The Pilgrim's Progress,' by John Bunyan.

One of the central stories of the Bible, many people believe, is that there is a heaven and an earth and that human souls have been exiled from heaven and are serving out time here on earth until they can return. Indeed, for most modern Christians, the idea of “going to heaven when you die” is not simply one belief among others, but the one that seems to give a point to it all.

But the people who believed in that kind of “heaven” when the New Testament was written were not the early Christians. They were the “Middle Platonists” — people like Plutarch (a younger contemporary of St Paul who was a philosopher, biographer, essayist and pagan priest in Delphi). To understand what the first followers of Jesus believed about what happens after death, we need to read the New Testament in its own world — the world of Jewish hope, of Roman imperialism and of Greek thought.

The followers of the Jesus-movement that grew up in that complex environment saw “heaven” and “earth” — God’s space and ours, if you like — as the twin halves of God’s good creation. Rather than rescuing people from the latter in order to reach the former, the creator God would finally bring heaven and earth together in a great act of new creation, completing the original creative purpose by healing the entire cosmos of its ancient ills. They believed that God would then raise his people from the dead, to share in — and, indeed, to share his stewardship over — this rescued and renewed creation. And they believed all this because of Jesus.

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They believed that with the resurrection of Jesus this new creation had already been launched. Jesus embodied in himself the perfect fusion of “heaven” and “earth.” In Jesus, therefore, the ancient Jewish hope had come true at last. The point was not for us to “go to heaven,” but for the life of heaven to arrive on earth. Jesus taught his followers to pray: “Thy kingdom come on earth as in heaven.” From as early as the third century, some Christian teachers tried to blend this with types of the Platonic belief, generating the idea of “leaving earth and going to heaven,” which became mainstream by the Middle Ages. But Jesus’ first followers never went that route.

Happywheelsflash game heaven book

Israel’s scriptures had long promised that God would come back in person to dwell with his people for ever. The early Christians picked this up: “The Word became flesh,” declares John [1:14], “and dwelt in our midst.” The word for “dwelt” means, literally, “tabernacled,” “pitched his tent” — alluding to the wilderness “tabernacle” in the time of Moses and the Temple built by Solomon. Studying the New Testament historically, in its own world (as opposed to squashing and chopping it to fit with our own expectations), shows that the first Christians believed not that they would “go to heaven when they died,” but that, in Jesus, God had come to live with them.

That was the lens through which they saw the hope of the world. The book of Revelation ends, not with souls going up to heaven, but with the New Jerusalem coming down to earth, so that “the dwelling of God is with humans.” The whole creation, declares St. Paul, will be set free from its slavery to corruption, to enjoy God’s intended freedom. God will then be “all in all.” It’s hard for us moderns to grasp this: so many hymns, prayers and sermons still speak of us “going to heaven.” But it makes historical sense, and sheds light on everything else.

What then was the personal hope for Jesus’ followers? Ultimately, resurrection — a new and immortal physical body in God’s new creation. But, after death and before that final reality, a period of blissful rest. “Today,” says Jesus to the brigand alongside him, “you will be with me in Paradise.” “My desire,” says St. Paul, facing possible execution, “is to depart and be with the Messiah, which is far better.” “In my father’s house,” Jesus assured his followers, “are many waiting-rooms.” These are not the final destination. They are the temporary resting-place, ahead of the ultimate new creation.


Historical study — reading the New Testament in its own world — thus brings surprises that can have an impact on modern Christianity, too. Perhaps the most important is a new, or rather very old, way of seeing the Christian mission. If the only point is to save souls from the wreck of the world, so they can leave and go to heaven, why bother to make this world a better place? But if God is going to do for the whole creation what he did for Jesus in his resurrection — to bring them back, here on earth — then those who have been rescued by the gospel are called to play a part, right now, in the advance renewal of the world.

God will put the whole world right, this worldview says, and in “justification” he puts people right, by the gospel, to be part of his putting-right project for the world. Christian mission includes bringing real advance signs of new creation into the present world: in healing, in justice, in beauty, in celebrating the new creation and lamenting the continuing pain of the old.

The scriptures always promised that when the life of heaven came to earth through the work of Israel’s Messiah, the weak and the vulnerable would receive special care and protection, and the desert would blossom like the rose. Care for the poor and the planet then becomes central, not peripheral, for those who intend to live in faith and hope, by the Spirit, between the resurrection of Jesus and the coming renewal of all things.

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Hocus Pocus 2020 First Place Winner
Eurotool - The Lost Woods
Hocus Pocus 2020
Posted by Yeebaagooon on October 03rd, 2020 @ 11:13 a.m.

Our old arthritic bones creaking like an armada, the horror of being middle aged and suffering moderate to severe joint pain sets in.
Rejoice, our annual Halloween themed screenshot competition is back where the winner is crowned with a coveted custom title. This year you have until October the 30th to submit your scary screenshot, so plenty of time for some ideas and designing!
There are a number of fantastic guides to help you out in our extensive design library, and with patch 2.8 we are hoping this gives a new lease of creativity.
Go over to the thread to find out more.
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Member of The Month: September 2020
Posted by nottud on October 02nd, 2020 @ 06:12 a.m.
September has drawn to a close and I am proud to announce our latest member of the month.
Eurotool is a long standing member of our Age of Mythology community and although has not formally released a huge number of finished scenarios, the work that has been released has been very impressive. In particular his recent scenario contest entry brought a very unique Age of Mythology take of over the shoulder third person adventuring.
Listen to the interview and see some screenshots of his amazing work in the forms.
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Member of The Month: August 2020
Posted by nottud on August 20th, 2020 @ 6:35 p.m.
As we quickly passing through the month of August I am excited to announce our latest member of the month.
Following a victory on the mini adventure scenario competition congratulations to Yeebaagooon! You can read the interview and feast your eyes on some mystery holiday pictures here.
Feel free to speculate on where these are and join the celebration in the forums.
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AoMH Mini Adventure Competition 2020: Results
Posted by Yeebaagooon on August 14th, 2020 @ 04:32 a.m.

Rejoice for our mighty scenario design contest has now concluded and results are live. We have 9 entries to the competition.
Results thread.
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Happywheelsflash Game Heaven Movie

Member of The Month: July 2020
Posted by Yeebaagooon on July 31st, 2020 @ 12:36 p.m.
We've managed to commit to the revival of MoTM and have another instalment this month, how time has flown.
With the SD competition underway and results pending we do need a little more excitement here.
SO why not feast your ears on the interview with nottud, which can be found here.
Please let us know if you enjoy the audio format or would prefer the old text interviews.
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Member of The Month: June 2020
Posted by Yeebaagooon on July 01st, 2020 @ 08:40 a.m.
MoTM returns with a fanfare! Today it is my pleasure to bestow this title upon Roxas.
For those of you who do not know - Roxas was previously MoTM in 2008 and can often be found in the community forum asking various existential questions in the LPW or lamenting over Jamie Oliver.
Due to social distancing laziness, the interview has been conducted in sound format and you are able to listen to it here.
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Patch 2.8 goes live
Posted by Yeebaagooon on June 30th, 2020 @ 04:24 a.m.
As of today the long awaited patch 2.8 for the extended edition has gone live! This patch is the greatest one we've had, with loads of new features and appeal for everyone - however you play the game. Our forumers have also had a helping hand in suggesting and implementing features, rejoice!
Quick glance:
  • Multiple crash and desync bugs fixed
  • Optimisation to reduce lag in multiplayer
  • Issues with god powers (especially Chinese) fixed and improved
  • Rendering and graphic improvements
  • Several new cheat codes
  • New random map
  • Loads of new triggers and exciting features - see nottud's posts in SD for more.
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    Tributary Travels Cinematic
    Posted by Yeebaagooon on June 28th, 2020 @ 08:26 a.m.
    Cinematographer extraordinaire Anraheir delights us once again with another expertly crafted cinematic. Tributary Travels follows a pharaoh carries a holy relic to the source of the Nile in hopes of lifting a curse from the land of Egypt and its people. In true style each scene is masterfully crafted and an eyecandy delight in itself. It's truly worth watching as loads of incredible tricks are used.
    Be sure to check out the cinematic here!

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    Mini Adventure Contest: One month to go!
    Posted by Yeebaagooon on June 19th, 2020 @ 10:11 a.m.

    Our scenario design competition has now received three entries, and with many more to be expected it means it looks like all the prizes for the contest will be unlocked.
    You can still enter if you have a free forum account, but now the deadline is one month away - so why not put all this lockdown time to good use?
    The brief for this contest is to develop a 100x100 mini adventure map! You have three months to submit your entry - and the full rules and instructions can be found here.
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    Patch 2.8 Scheduled Beta Testing

    Happywheelsflash Game Heaven Game

    Posted by nottud on June 09th, 2020 @ 12:08 p.m.

    Hey everyone I bring this update from the FE devs regarding testing the 2.8 BETA patch:
    We've noticed that some people are having a hard time finding games on the public beta patch branch we'll be organizing some games this week to make sure we can have as many people testing the branch.
    To be sure to get as much information out of these test games make sure to enable recorded games! Recorded games really help us figure out bugs.
    The schedule can be found here.
    Please leave a comment if you want and are able to join.
    And if you cannot join because the time scheduled doesn't work for you then leave a comment with a time when you are able to play some games and we'll see if that time works for us or some other people.
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